Playing in the NSO Symphony Orchestra
Date: 22 April 2018
How our musicians like to play in the NSO Symphony Orchestra.

See the NSO Symphony Orchestra in concert:
April 27, Emirates Palace Auditorium

Tickets on ticketmaster
Ad for A Night at the Movies... The final curtain
Date: 12 April 2018
A Night at the Movies... The final curtain
Friday 27 April, Emirates Palace Auditorium
4:30pm Matinee Open Rehearsal
7:30pm Evening Gala
Rehearsal in Florence
Date: 24 March 2018
Christian Plouvier and Andrew Berryman in rehearsal with Orchestra da Camera Fiorintina, Florence with the Mercadante. Flute concerto in E minor.
Christian Plouvier plays antique flute
Date: 24 March 2018
Christian Plouvier plays a 19th century flute by leading French flute maker Louis Lot. This instrument was the beginning of the American flute factories Haynes and Powell in Boston which are still until today the best flutes in the USA.
NSO Strings and Pink Martini
Date: 21 March 2018
21 March 2018, NSO Music Agency supplied 8 NSO string players for the Pink Martini concert at Emirates Palace Abu Dhabi